I was a carer in a Care home, I had been thinking for a few months about going back to fostering so I spoke to my family and listened to what they thought about it. They said they would help in any way they could. I found CFS through Facebook. I was quite nervous giving my job up and committing myself to fostering which does change your life as I know from fostering before.
I have been with CFS for almost 3 years now. The assessment was In-depth and was completed over a few months, although it was intense at times, I found it therapeutic in some ways and since approval I have completed lots of helpful training.
Once I was approved, I became a carer to a 10-year-old girl, who now is permanently placed with me and my family. It is quite challenging at first but once she settled in family life is good, we do still have our ups and downs, but we work through these together as a team, my family and I involve her in all aspects of our family life, treat her as one of the family.
It is the best decision I made and look back with no regrets, I knew it was something I could do to change a child’s life and offer them a happy loving home. I love being fully involved in a young person’s life who is now part of my family. I have got great support around me from my family and CFS Care. I have had to alter things in my life, but it is all worth the time and effort I have had to put into fostering.
I have found CFS Care a great company to work for, always at the end of the phone and home visits to offer help and support when I have needed it as issues arrive, which at times can be challenging .The knowledge I have learnt through the training courses I’ve done and support with the course work, we have support groups where we exchange help and support each other.
I would say to anyone who is considering Fostering give it a go, it is a challenging career, but the rewards are great. If in doubt give CFS Care a call, you will never know if it is a job for you unless you speak to someone learn more about the challenges and the rewards.